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  • Wendy

Welcome/Link to my Of Books and Boys blog

Updated: May 11, 2023

Back in 2008, I was an older mother with one tween and two toddler sons. Mothers need something apart from their children on which to hang their identity. Much to my husband's dismay, I spent endless hours after the boys went to bed in seeking and reading blogs. I loved the mommy blogs, because I could relate to their expressed troubles. My boys were a handful.

Reading blogs soon made me long to write one. But what would I write about? I narrowed in on my two favorite subjects: books and boys. This brought images of the famous Steinbeck title, Of Mice and Men, and I honed my blogging identity. Written after exhausting days, early posts were full of my boys' antics.

Of course, as time passed, those once small boys grew. They no longer enjoy being the focus of my writing (did they ever?). I have kept the title, anyway. It still paints an accurate picture of my primary loves. So, I continue to write about the books I'm reading and the boys I'm raising. If you ever wonder what you should read next, you might find a worthy suggestion in one of my book reviews. So, visit my blog at

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